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Mythbusters - response to Quantum/CIC Addressing Opposition



Friends of Udney Park said...

“Our local playing fields should not be allowed to be decimated for profit” 

Quantum (AHH) claim...

9.5 acres of land that has always been in private ownership will be donated by AHH to Teddington residents. In addition, AHH will fund and build a new pavilion with community facilities, 3G Pitch, MUGA, turf pitches, playground, and Public Park. Children, parents and those who value access to quality healthcare, sporting facilities and recreational space will benefit most from this development.

Friends of Udney Park respond to Quantum's (AHH) claim...

Quantum changed their name to “Affordable and Housing and Healthcare”. Quantum call Udney Park Playing Fields the “former private ground”.  Such label’s do not mask the truth, Quantum is private-equity property developer seeking an abnormally high returning by converting a war memorial playing field into building plots. Cllr True, Leader of Richmond Council at the time said, “my heart does not bleed for Quantum, they knew they were buying green space in a Borough that protects it’s green spaces”.


Udney Park was taken into private ownership by Quantum, in full knowledge that all playing fields and Udney Park are heavily protected. Universities are publicly funded bodies, oddly exempt from the law that stops schools selling playing fields for development. Whilst Udney Park was underutilised it is simply wrong to say the public had no access: local primary schools, Richmond CC, Teddington CC, advertised ad hoc rental to many clubs, summer camps, local events all used the Park.


Quantum bought a playing field for £6 million, a small premium over the three community bidders, to build over 100 flats at circa £50k per plot. Teddington Riverside cost the developer circa £300k per plot to buy.     At the Planning Committee Cllr Brown said: “I am not objecting to a commercial organisation seeking a return if done fairly, but any community benefits offered by Quantum are simply a cost to be paid to access a significant profit from building on playing fields”.

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