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Quantum declare war on our Council and our community, and “roll in the tanks” to try and smash opposition


Quantum continues to show a blatant disregard for this community, now they have appealed to the Planning Inspector on the grounds of “non-determination” to rule on their controversial Planning Application, cutting out Richmond Council and the GLA. “Non-determination” means the Council took too long to set a date to hear the Application, mainly due to the Election and the dispute over the type of property being proposed, (Quantum insist the flats are “C2” extra-care apartments, which avoids paying a Community Levy for social housing in Richmond, whereas LBRUT and the GLA see the development for what it is; standard “C3” luxury apartments). 
We expect Richmond Planning Committee to review the Application on 1st August though unless they Approve that hearing is diluted as Quantum have bypassed our Council. However, this is a public meeting so if you feel strongly about building on playing fields it's vital you to come along to protest (details once confirmed). 
Many local people feel Quantum split our community between those that oppose them and the beneficiaries of their scheme that have been pressed heavily to register support for a Planning Application in blatant opposition to all Policy. Quantum fight our Council at every opportunity so we judge Quantum by their actions not their glossy promises and their stage managed “public consultations”. Despite claiming to care about Teddington, Quantum spend vast sums fighting the following:

  • Wilfully ignoring LBRUT Planning briefs and LBRUT Playing Pitch Strategy

  • Challenging long standing LBRUT Tree Preservation Orders

  • Avoiding an Environmental Impact Assessment requested by LBRUT

  • Removing Local Green Space designation from the LBRUT Local Plan

  • Preparing biased Travel & Ecology Reports to dilute the impact of their plans

  • Appealing to the Inspector for Non-determination of the Planning Application

Quantum have spent a vast sum on activities that undermine democratic authority and smash Policy, whilst leaving the fence at Udney Park in a state of disrepair.    Our community must stand up now for Udney Park to prevent a monstrosity in Teddington and an ugly precedent Quantum and others may seek to copy elsewhere. 

The Mayor and the GLA call in the Planning Application and give Quantum a resounding Objection
You may recall back in the summer of 2015 before Quantum bought Udney Park, the previous London Mayor said at Mayor’s Questions “I note Udney Park was donated by Lord Beaverbrook for amateur sport, it would be a scandal and disgrace if it was lost for that purpose”.  On 5th July 2018 the GLA Planning determination on the Quantum Application was published.  
The GLA are unequivocal that building on Udney Park is fundamentally wrong, and crucially noting that anything that Quantum and their subsidiary CIC propose for sporting facilities can also be delivered by “Plan B” without the need for residential development.

The GLA Planning Officer was clear in his Objection:
It is acknowledged that the proposed development would provide enhanced sporting facilities, both in terms of quality and the range of sporting disciplines. However, this could be achieved through the redevelopment of the site in a manner that accords with the relevant London Plan and draft London Plan. In addition, the applicant has not presented evidence to demonstrate that the proposal meets the tests set out in the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework)

Therefore, the proposed development on a locally protected open space and playing fields does not accord with the NPPF, London Plan and draft London Plan and is not supported. 

This means the 3 statutory consultees all strongly Object to Quantum’s Plans: Richmond Council, Greater London Authority and Sport England.

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