Mythbusters - response to Quantum/CIC Addressing Opposition
Friends of Udney Park said...
“An alternative Community Plan is ready to go and is achievable”
Quantum (AHH) claim...
The fact remains that the 12.7 acre site isn’t actually owned by those who object to the proposal and they have no working relationship or funding agreement with the group that does. Their plan fails to show genuine community facilities or open space for the community of Teddington to enjoy.
Friends of Udney Park respond to Quantum's (AHH) claim...
Plan B, our alternative vision for Udney Park as a community facility, has been independently assessed by specialist advisors who confirm that the Business Plan is viable. Several local clubs with no permanent home of their own have other threats to their pitches and want to move to Udney Park: Hearts FC, Quins Amatuers RFC, Thamesians RFC etc
The Udney Park Trust is ready to begin dialogue to buy Udney Park, under the Asset of Community Value procedure, when Quantum realise that building on playing fields is simply impossible in 2019.
It is morally wrong that vital public resources and many community volunteering hours are being wasted legitimately opposing Quantum’s futile attempt to smash Planning Policy. Cllr Brown said “Quantum chose to speculatively purchase Udney Park for development ignoring clear planning designations, rolling the dice on being able to override Council, Mayor of London, Sport England and National Planning Policy”.
Cllr Knight said“it was a very speculative and foolish purchase”.