Mythbusters - response to Quantum/CIC Addressing Opposition
Friends of Udney Park said...
“Udney Park Playing Fields are protected in layers of Planning Policy”
Quantum (AHH) claim...
The Government’s Planning Inspector has decided the site has the right level of protection; a decision which prevents unsuitable developments whilst accommodating socially progressive proposal such as ours.
Friends of Udney Park respond to Quantum's (AHH) claim...
Quantum lobbied the Local Plan Exam to remove Local Green Space, claiming Udney Park had “no recreational value” and “no protected species ”, resulting in LGS being removed. The community challenged the decision to remove Local Green Space in the High Court. Despite Quantum having massive legal resources against a single Barrister for the Friends of Udney Park Playing Fields;
Judge Waksman said: “In my judgment, the Local Green Space consultation was plainly inadequate..and manifestly unfair. I consider that the Friends of Udney Park have suffered substantial prejudice as a result of the procedural defects”